Sailboat Faith

Sailboat Faith

Lord, what do you want me to see and know today? ~ My safe place is with the Lord, with His power and presence. ~ I must rely on His heavenly insight, power, and revelation. ~ He gives my steps direction, gives me clear vision, and He awakens me to His presence when I try to do the work alone.

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Focus on the Outcome

Focus on the Outcome

An impactful quote I really like states, "You can't change the beginning, but you can always change the ending." This quote resonates with me because it highlights the power we hold to effect change.

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Discover YOU

Discover YOU

Have you ever found yourself in a new season of life, perhaps one of your choosing, or not? It’s times such as this that we benefit greatly from taking a deep dive into self-discovery. Who are we NOW? After our past seasons, experiences, and relationships, how do we continue into the next season? How do we START ANEW?

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Start Anew

Start Anew

Have you ever been at the end of a chapter in your “life book”? A time when something big changed, a season ended and a new one was beginning? As an “older woman”, hehe! I have experienced this many times.

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Deepen Your Faith

Deepen Your Faith

I get it, our lives are so busy with so many things! That makes it difficult to carve out time in our crowded planners to spend with the Lord each day. If our desire is to deepen our faith in God, we must add time with Him into our days. I’d like to share some ways that I use to grow my relationship with God.

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Embrace Self-care

Embrace Self-care

You would probably agree that busyness is one of the #1 reasons that we as women neglect taking care of ourselves. Of our bodies, lacking nutrition and exercise Of our minds, always being full of what’s going on in our lives, no time for rest Of our hearts, fighting concerns and worries for ourselves and those we love Of our souls, lacking spiritual nourishment and time with God

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