Who Am I?

I’ve been married to Philip Covone, Christian coach and missionary, since 2003, what a gift he is to me. I’m a mom to a wonderful daughter and son, and step-mom to another son. It’s a joy to be Lita (grandma) to 5 cuties. My children and I went through their dad’s drug addiction roller coaster, and divorce, then their dad’s suicide. Some of my past was definitely traumatic. Thanks be to God, my children are now healthy adults, wonderful parents, and successful in their careers.

I've been a breast cancer survivor since 2021, and just after my treatments ended, I cared for my husband as he walked through the grueling treatments from throat cancer. What an intense and unexpected season!

God has gifted us with more years to make a difference in the lives of others. As our pastor says, “God never wastes a hurt.” Though we are now living stateside, we are taking trips to Mexico, continuing our work there, and coaching clients online using Zoom.

My favorite pastimes are reading, cooking, watching Hallmark movies, and spending time with my family and friends. I absolutely love chocolate, and adore my precious grands!