Sailboat Faith

Sailboat Faith

Lord, what do you want me to see and know today?

~ My safe place is with the Lord, with His power and presence.

~ I must rely on His heavenly insight, power, and revelation.

~ He gives my steps direction, gives me clear vision, and He awakens me to His presence when I try to do the work alone.

Max Lucado's "Rowboat Faith" analogy (in my words):

Rowboat Faith

That's when I work so hard trying to navigate my life, getting exhausted, frustrated, tired out, and so stressed.

Sailboat Faith

This is when I let the Holy Spirit do the work. The stop & go, direction, and speed, are all up to Him!

All I need to do is watch His amazing works, be grateful for them, and speak of them to everyone I know.

Follow His directions as He gives them, wait patiently, trusting His timing, and ENJOY THE JOURNEY as best I can!


Thank you for these reminders today, and this analogy. Help me never to forget it, and use me for your glory today!


Are you feeling discontent and restless, somewhat unfulfilled? Are you going through a transition, whether by choice or not, wondering what’s next for you?

Consider Christian coaching. I am a certified Christian coach (and still a missionary to Mexico!). My passion and calling is meeting with women on Zoom a couple of times each month, asking the right questions, and watching the Holy Spirit lead their steps, making progress toward His calling and desire for their lives.