Women friends,

Do you desire to live life better?

What do you want your life to be about?

What would you think if I told you that in a series of weeks, you could have clarity about WHO you are, HOW you’re doing, WHAT you want your life to be about, and WHERE you’re going?

Walking through my signature coaching program called Live Life Better will help you to do just that!

It’s important that we figure out who we are (in this chapter of life) before we can see clearly where we’re going next. This takes lots of looking inward, and much work! 

Years ago, I constructed a statement expressing what I want my life to be about, and I still live by it today!

 I want my life to be about living in the serenity and fulfillment of Christ by being a generous and faithful leader, family member, and friend, illuminating the gospel and fostering growth for those in my sphere of influence.

I’d love to guide you in a coaching session on writing a statement like this for yourself!

I have designed my Live Life Better Signature Group Coaching Program to lead women in a group setting towards living their life better. We have fun as we learn and share about ourselves, challenge ourselves towards better self-care, deepen our faith as we grow closer to God, and realize our purpose in our current season of life.

  • Discover YOU!

  • Embrace Self-Care

  • Deepen Your Faith

  • Start Anew

Grab your virtual seat, and be a part of our next group, all from the comfort of your home, using your computer, tablet, or phone. Space is limited, and the program sign-up is coming soon!